Federated Newton Learn

In this section we present the algorithm named Federated Newton Learning (FEDNL) introduced in [2]. The following table contains information regarding the convergence of different FedNL flavours in particular the error column contains \(\mathcal{L}(x_{50})-\mathcal{L}(x^*)\).





Vanilla Newton




Rank 1 Compression




Rank 1 Compression Diagonal Regularisation \(\newline\) Identity Initial Hessian




Rank 1 Compression Diagonal Regularisation \(\newline\) Null Initial Hessian




from ipyparallel import Client
c = Client()
[0, 1]

Vanilla Newton

First we reimplement the vanilla Newton method in the framework of FEDNL.

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numsa.TFHessian import *
import dsdl


ds = dsdl.load("a1a")

X, Y = ds.get_train()
indx = np.array_split(range(X.shape[0]),int(comm.Get_size()));
tfX = []
tfY = []
for k in range(len(indx)):
    tfX = tfX + [tf.sparse.from_dense(np.array(X[indx[comm.Get_rank()]].todense(), dtype=np.float32))]
    tfY = tfY + [tf.convert_to_tensor(np.array(Y[indx[comm.Get_rank()]], dtype=np.float32).reshape(X[indx[comm.Get_rank()]].shape[0], 1))]

tfXs = tf.sparse.from_dense(np.array(X.todense(), dtype=np.float32))
tfYs = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.array(Y, dtype=np.float32).reshape(X.shape[0], 1))
#Defining the Loss Function
def LossSerial(x):
    lam = 1e-3; #Regularisation
    x = tf.reshape(x, (119, 1))
    Z = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(tfXs, x, adjoint_a=False)
    Z = tf.math.multiply(tfYs, Z)
    S = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(-Z)) / tfXs.shape[0]) + lam*tf.norm(x)**2

    return S
#Defining the Loss Function
def Loss(x,comm):
    lam = 1e-3; #Regularisation
    x = tf.reshape(x, (119, 1))
    Z = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(tfX[comm.Get_rank()], x, adjoint_a=False)
    Z = tf.math.multiply(tfY[comm.Get_rank()], Z)
    S = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(-Z)) / tfX[comm.Get_rank()].shape[0]) + lam*tf.norm(x)**2
    return S
################! Setting Of The Solver!##################
itmax = 50
tol = 1e-4;
x = tf.Variable(0.1*np.ones((119,1),dtype=np.float32))

Res = [];

H = Hessian(Loss,x);
H.shift(x)#,start=0*np.identity(x.numpy().shape[0])) #We initialize the shifter
#We now collect and average the loc Hessians in the master node (rk 0)
Hs = H.comm.gather(H.memH, root=0);
if H.comm.Get_rank()==0:
    Hm = (1/len(Hs))*np.sum(Hs,0);
    Hm = None
print("The master Hessian has been initialised")
for it in tqdm(range(itmax)):
    # Obtaining the compression of the difference between local mat
    # and next local mat.
    U,sigma,Vt,ell = H.shift(x,{"comp":MatSVDCompDiag,"rk":119,"type":"mat"});
    shift = Vt.transpose()@np.diag(sigma)@U.transpose();
    #print("Updating local Hessian")
    H.memH = H.memH+step_size*shift;
    grad = H.grad().numpy();
    #Now we update the master Hessian and perform the Newton method step
    Shifts = H.comm.gather(shift, root=0);
    Grads = H.comm.gather(grad, root=0);
    Ells = H.comm.gather(ell, root=0);
    if H.comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        #print("Computing the avarage of the local shifts and grad ...")
        Shift = (1/len(Shifts))*np.sum(Shifts,0);
        Grad = (1/len(Grads))*np.sum(Grads,0);
        Ell = (1/len(Ells))*np.sum(Ells,0);
        res = np.linalg.norm(Grad);
        Res = Res + [res]
        #print("Computing the master Hessian ...")
        Hm = Hm + step_size*Shift;
        #print("Searching new search direction ...")
        A = Hm; #A = Hm + Ell*np.identity(Hm.shape[0]);
        q = np.linalg.solve(A,Grad);
        #print("Found search dir, ",q);
        if it%25 == 0:
            print("(FedNL) [Iteration. {}] Lost funciton at this iteration {}  and gradient norm {}".format(it,LossSerial(x),np.linalg.norm(Grad)));
        x = x - tf.Variable(q,dtype=np.float32);
        x =  tf.Variable(x)
        res = None
    #Distributing the search direction
    x = H.comm.bcast(x,root=0)
    res = H.comm.bcast(res,root=0)
    if res<tol:
LossStar =  0.33691510558128357;
print("Lost funciton at this iteration {}, gradient norm {} and error {}.".format(LossSerial(x),np.linalg.norm(grad),abs(LossSerial(x)-LossStar)))
[stderr:1]   8%|▊         | 4/50 [00:18<03:30,  4.57s/it]

[stderr:0]   8%|▊         | 4/50 [00:18<03:30,  4.57s/it]

[stdout:1] The master Hessian has been initialised
Lost funciton at this iteration 0.33691510558128357, gradient norm 0.020152254030108452 and error 0.0.

[stdout:0] The master Hessian has been initialised
(FedNL) [Iteration. 0] Lost funciton at this iteration 1.2675940990447998  and gradient norm 1.388305902481079
Lost funciton at this iteration 0.33691510558128357, gradient norm 0.02014993503689766 and error 0.0.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Rs = c[:]["Res"][0]
plt.title("Residual Decay")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Residual Decay')

FEDNL Rank 1 Compression

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numsa.TFHessian import *
import dsdl


ds = dsdl.load("a1a")

X, Y = ds.get_train()
indx = np.array_split(range(X.shape[0]),int(comm.Get_size()));
tfX = []
tfY = []
for k in range(len(indx)):
    tfX = tfX + [tf.sparse.from_dense(np.array(X[indx[comm.Get_rank()]].todense(), dtype=np.float32))]
    tfY = tfY + [tf.convert_to_tensor(np.array(Y[indx[comm.Get_rank()]], dtype=np.float32).reshape(X[indx[comm.Get_rank()]].shape[0], 1))]

tfXs = tf.sparse.from_dense(np.array(X.todense(), dtype=np.float32))
tfYs = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.array(Y, dtype=np.float32).reshape(X.shape[0], 1))
#Defining the Loss Function
def LossSerial(x):
    lam = 1e-3; #Regularisation
    x = tf.reshape(x, (119, 1))
    Z = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(tfXs, x, adjoint_a=False)
    Z = tf.math.multiply(tfYs, Z)
    S = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(-Z)) / tfXs.shape[0]) + lam*tf.norm(x)**2

    return S
#Defining the Loss Function
def Loss(x,comm):
    lam = 1e-3; #Regularisation
    x = tf.reshape(x, (119, 1))
    Z = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(tfX[comm.Get_rank()], x, adjoint_a=False)
    Z = tf.math.multiply(tfY[comm.Get_rank()], Z)
    S = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(-Z)) / tfX[comm.Get_rank()].shape[0]) + lam*tf.norm(x)**2
    return S
################! Setting Of The Solver!##################
itmax = 50
tol = 1e-4;
x = tf.Variable(0.1*np.ones((119,1),dtype=np.float32))

Res = [];

H = Hessian(Loss,x);
H.shift(x)#,start=0*np.identity(x.numpy().shape[0])) #We initialize the shifter
#We now collect and average the loc Hessians in the master node (rk 0)
Hs = H.comm.gather(H.memH, root=0);
if H.comm.Get_rank()==0:
    Hm = (1/len(Hs))*np.sum(Hs,0);
    Hm = None
print("The master Hessian has been initialised")
for it in tqdm(range(itmax)):
    # Obtaining the compression of the difference between local mat
    # and next local mat.
    U,sigma,Vt,ell = H.shift(x,{"comp":MatSVDCompDiag,"rk":1,"type":"mat"});
    shift = Vt.transpose()@np.diag(sigma)@U.transpose();
    #print("Updating local Hessian")
    H.memH = H.memH+step_size*shift;
    grad = H.grad().numpy();
    #Now we update the master Hessian and perform the Newton method step
    Shifts = H.comm.gather(shift, root=0);
    Grads = H.comm.gather(grad, root=0);
    Ells = H.comm.gather(ell, root=0);
    if H.comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        #print("Computing the avarage of the local shifts and grad ...")
        Shift = (1/len(Shifts))*np.sum(Shifts,0);
        Grad = (1/len(Grads))*np.sum(Grads,0);
        Ell = (1/len(Ells))*np.sum(Ells,0);
        res = np.linalg.norm(Grad);
        Res = Res + [res];
        #print("Computing the master Hessian ...")
        Hm = Hm + step_size*Shift;
        #print("Searching new search direction ...")
        A = Hm; #A = Hm + Ell*np.identity(Hm.shape[0]);
        q = np.linalg.solve(A,Grad);
        #print("Found search dir, ",q);
        if it%25 == 0:
            print("(FedNL) [Iteration. {}] Lost funciton at this iteration {}  and gradient norm {}".format(it,LossSerial(x),np.linalg.norm(Grad)));
        x = x - tf.Variable(q,dtype=np.float32);
        x =  tf.Variable(x)
        res = None
    #Distributing the search direction
    x = H.comm.bcast(x,root=0)
    res = H.comm.bcast(res,root=0)
    if res<tol:
LossStar =  0.33691510558128357;
print("Lost funciton at this iteration {}, gradient norm {} and error {}.".format(LossSerial(x),np.linalg.norm(grad),abs(LossSerial(x)-LossStar)))
[stderr:0]  20%|██        | 10/50 [00:37<02:28,  3.72s/it]

[stderr:1]  20%|██        | 10/50 [00:37<02:28,  3.72s/it]

[stdout:1] The master Hessian has been initialised
Lost funciton at this iteration 0.3369152545928955, gradient norm 0.02014790289103985 and error 1.4901161193847656e-07.

[stdout:0] The master Hessian has been initialised
(FedNL) [Iteration. 0] Lost funciton at this iteration 1.2675940990447998  and gradient norm 1.388305902481079
Lost funciton at this iteration 0.3369152545928955, gradient norm 0.020166713744401932 and error 1.4901161193847656e-07.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Rs = c[:]["Res"][0]
plt.title("Residual Decay")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Residual Decay')

FEDNL With Diagonal Regularisation And Different Initial Hessian

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numsa.TFHessian import *
import dsdl


ds = dsdl.load("a1a")

X, Y = ds.get_train()
indx = np.array_split(range(X.shape[0]),int(comm.Get_size()));
tfX = []
tfY = []
for k in range(len(indx)):
    tfX = tfX + [tf.sparse.from_dense(np.array(X[indx[comm.Get_rank()]].todense(), dtype=np.float32))]
    tfY = tfY + [tf.convert_to_tensor(np.array(Y[indx[comm.Get_rank()]], dtype=np.float32).reshape(X[indx[comm.Get_rank()]].shape[0], 1))]

tfXs = tf.sparse.from_dense(np.array(X.todense(), dtype=np.float32))
tfYs = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.array(Y, dtype=np.float32).reshape(X.shape[0], 1))
#Defining the Loss Function
def LossSerial(x):
    lam = 1e-3; #Regularisation
    x = tf.reshape(x, (119, 1))
    Z = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(tfXs, x, adjoint_a=False)
    Z = tf.math.multiply(tfYs, Z)
    S = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(-Z)) / tfXs.shape[0]) + lam*tf.norm(x)**2

    return S
#Defining the Loss Function
def Loss(x,comm):
    lam = 1e-3; #Regularisation
    x = tf.reshape(x, (119, 1))
    Z = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(tfX[comm.Get_rank()], x, adjoint_a=False)
    Z = tf.math.multiply(tfY[comm.Get_rank()], Z)
    S = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(-Z)) / tfX[comm.Get_rank()].shape[0]) + lam*tf.norm(x)**2
    return S
################! Setting Of The Solver!##################
itmax = 50
tol = 1e-4;
x = tf.Variable(0.1*np.ones((119,1),dtype=np.float32))

H = Hessian(Loss,x);
H.shift(x,start=np.eye(x.numpy().shape[0])) #We initialize the shifter
#We now collect and average the loc Hessians in the master node (rk 0)
Hs = H.comm.gather(H.memH, root=0);
if H.comm.Get_rank()==0:
    Hm = (1/len(Hs))*np.sum(Hs,0);
    Hm = None
print("The master Hessian has been initialised")
for it in tqdm(range(itmax)):
    # Obtaining the compression of the difference between local mat
    # and next local mat.
    U,sigma,Vt,ell = H.shift(x,{"comp":MatSVDCompDiag,"rk":1,"type":"mat"});
    shift = Vt.transpose()@np.diag(sigma)@U.transpose();
    #print("Updating local Hessian")
    H.memH = H.memH+step_size*shift;
    grad = H.grad().numpy();
    #Now we update the master Hessian and perform the Newton method step
    Shifts = H.comm.gather(shift, root=0);
    Grads = H.comm.gather(grad, root=0);
    Ells = H.comm.gather(ell, root=0);
    if H.comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        #print("Computing the avarage of the local shifts and grad ...")
        Shift = (1/len(Shifts))*np.sum(Shifts,0);
        Grad = (1/len(Grads))*np.sum(Grads,0);
        Ell = (1/len(Ells))*np.sum(Ells,0);
        res = np.linalg.norm(Grad);
        #print("Computing the master Hessian ...")
        Hm = Hm + step_size*Shift;
        #print("Searching new search direction ...")
        A = Hm + Ell*np.identity(Hm.shape[0]);
        q = np.linalg.solve(A,Grad);
        #print("Found search dir, ",q);
        if it%25 == 0:
            print("(FedNL) [Iteration. {}] Lost funciton at this iteration {}  and gradient norm {}".format(it,LossSerial(x),np.linalg.norm(Grad)));
        x = x - tf.Variable(q,dtype=np.float32);
        x =  tf.Variable(x)
        res = None
    #Distributing the search direction
    x = H.comm.bcast(x,root=0)
    res = H.comm.bcast(res,root=0)
    if res<tol:
LossStar =  0.33691510558128357;
print("Lost funciton at this iteration {}, gradient norm {} and error {}.".format(LossSerial(x),np.linalg.norm(grad),abs(LossSerial(x)-LossStar)))
[stderr:1] 100%|██████████| 50/50 [02:58<00:00,  3.58s/it]

[stderr:0] 100%|██████████| 50/50 [02:58<00:00,  3.58s/it]

[stdout:1] The master Hessian has been initialised
Lost funciton at this iteration 0.4447227418422699, gradient norm 0.1290498971939087 and error 0.10780763626098633.

[stdout:0] The master Hessian has been initialised
(FedNL) [Iteration. 0] Lost funciton at this iteration 1.2675940990447998  and gradient norm 1.388305902481079
(FedNL) [Iteration. 25] Lost funciton at this iteration 0.4930209219455719  and gradient norm 0.16765998303890228
Lost funciton at this iteration 0.4447227418422699, gradient norm 0.10724713653326035 and error 0.10780763626098633.

FEDNL LowRank + Diagonal

from ipyparallel import Client
c = Client()
[0, 1]
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numsa.TFHessian import *
import dsdl


ds = dsdl.load("a1a")

X, Y = ds.get_train()
indx = np.array_split(range(X.shape[0]),int(comm.Get_size()));
tfX = []
tfY = []
for k in range(len(indx)):
    tfX = tfX + [tf.sparse.from_dense(np.array(X[indx[comm.Get_rank()]].todense(), dtype=np.float32))]
    tfY = tfY + [tf.convert_to_tensor(np.array(Y[indx[comm.Get_rank()]], dtype=np.float32).reshape(X[indx[comm.Get_rank()]].shape[0], 1))]

tfXs = tf.sparse.from_dense(np.array(X.todense(), dtype=np.float32))
tfYs = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.array(Y, dtype=np.float32).reshape(X.shape[0], 1))
#Defining the Loss Function
def LossSerial(x):
    lam = 1e-3; #Regularisation
    x = tf.reshape(x, (119, 1))
    Z = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(tfXs, x, adjoint_a=False)
    Z = tf.math.multiply(tfYs, Z)
    S = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(-Z)) / tfXs.shape[0]) + lam*tf.norm(x)**2

    return S
#Defining the Loss Function
def Loss(x,comm):
    lam = 1e-3; #Regularisation
    x = tf.reshape(x, (119, 1))
    Z = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(tfX[comm.Get_rank()], x, adjoint_a=False)
    Z = tf.math.multiply(tfY[comm.Get_rank()], Z)
    S = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(1 + tf.math.exp(-Z)) / tfX[comm.Get_rank()].shape[0]) + lam*tf.norm(x)**2
    return S
################! Setting Of The Solver!##################
itmax = 50
tol = 1e-4;
x = tf.Variable(0.1*np.ones((119,1),dtype=np.float32))

Res = [];
TBCHistory = [];

H = Hessian(Loss,x);
H.loc = True;
#We now collect and average the loc Hessians in the master node (rk 0)

print("Compressing Initial Hessian ")
cU, cS, cVt = MatSVDComp(H.mat()-np.diag(np.diag(H.mat())),30);
print("Assembling the the comp ...")
C =  cU@np.diag(cS)@cVt;
print("Built the compression ...")
A = np.diag(np.diag(H.mat()))+C;
H.shift(x,start=A) #We initialize the shifter
Hs = H.comm.gather(H.memH, root=0);
if H.comm.Get_rank()==0:
    Hm = (1/len(Hs))*np.sum(Hs,0);
    Hm = None
print("The master Hessian has been initialised")
for it in tqdm(range(itmax)):
    # Obtaining the compression of the difference between local mat
    # and next local mat.
    U,sigma,Vt,ell = H.shift(x,{"comp":MatSVDCompDiag,"rk":1,"type":"mat"});
    shift = Vt.transpose()@np.diag(sigma)@U.transpose();
    TBCHistory = TBCHistory + [sigma[0]];
    #print("Updating local Hessian")
    H.memH = H.memH+step_size*shift;
    grad = H.grad().numpy();
    #Now we update the master Hessian and perform the Newton method step
    Shifts = H.comm.gather(shift, root=0);
    Grads = H.comm.gather(grad, root=0);
    Ells = H.comm.gather(ell, root=0);
    if H.comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        #print("Computing the avarage of the local shifts and grad ...")
        Shift = (1/len(Shifts))*np.sum(Shifts,0);
        Grad = (1/len(Grads))*np.sum(Grads,0);
        Ell = (1/len(Ells))*np.sum(Ells,0);
        res = np.linalg.norm(Grad);
        Res = Res + [res];
        #print("Computing the master Hessian ...")
        Hm = Hm + step_size*Shift;
        #print("Searching new search direction ...")
        A = Hm; #A = Hm + Ell*np.identity(Hm.shape[0]);
        q = np.linalg.solve(A,Grad);
        #print("Found search dir, ",q);
        if it%25 == 0:
            print("(FedNL) [Iteration. {}] Lost funciton at this iteration {}  and gradient norm {}".format(it,LossSerial(x),np.linalg.norm(Grad)));
        x = x - tf.Variable(q,dtype=np.float32);
        x =  tf.Variable(x)
        res = None
    #Distributing the search direction
    x = H.comm.bcast(x,root=0)
    res = H.comm.bcast(res,root=0)
    if res<tol:
LossStar =  0.33691510558128357;
print("Lost funciton at this iteration {}, gradient norm {} and error {}.".format(LossSerial(x),np.linalg.norm(grad),abs(LossSerial(x)-LossStar)))
[stdout:0] Compressing Initial Hessian
Assembling the the comp ...
Built the compression ...
The master Hessian has been initialised
(FedNL) [Iteration. 0] Lost funciton at this iteration 1.2675940990447998  and gradient norm 1.388305902481079
Lost funciton at this iteration 0.3369157016277313, gradient norm 0.02016145922243595 and error 5.960464477539062e-07.

[stdout:1] Compressing Initial Hessian
Assembling the the comp ...
Built the compression ...
The master Hessian has been initialised
Lost funciton at this iteration 0.3369157016277313, gradient norm 0.020154612138867378 and error 5.960464477539062e-07.

[stderr:0]  46%|████▌     | 23/50 [01:20<01:33,  3.48s/it]

[stderr:1]  46%|████▌     | 23/50 [01:20<01:33,  3.48s/it]

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Rs = c[:]["Res"][0]
plt.title("Residual Decay")
TBCs = c[:]["TBCHistory"][0]
plt.legend(["Residual",r"$\sigma_0$ Compression"])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fa2b6eb1610>